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A white sage and red sandalwood smudge stick is a type of ceremonial tool used in various spiritual practices, particularly in Native American and indigenous traditions, as well as in some New Age and holistic practices. Smudging is the act of burning dried herbs or wood and using the smoke to cleanse, purify, or bless a space, object, or person.


White Sage: White sage (Salvia apiana) is a sacred plant often used for smudging due to its believed purifying properties. It's believed to clear negative energy, ward off evil spirits, and provide a clean slate for spiritual practices.


Red Sandalwood: Red sandalwood (Pterocarpus santalinus) is another type of wood that is sometimes used for smudging. It has a rich reddish color and is often associated with promoting calmness, relaxation, and spiritual well-being.


When combined into a smudge stick, the intention is to harness the properties of both white sage and red sandalwood to create a unique cleansing and purifying experience. The ritual involves lighting the smudge stick, allowing it to smolder, and then using the smoke to cleanse a person, space, or object. This is often done by wafting the smoke with a feather or gently blowing on it.


It's important to approach such practices with respect and cultural sensitivity, especially when they come from indigenous traditions. Some communities may consider the commercialization or appropriation of these practices disrespectful, so it's wise to educate oneself and approach smudging practices with mindfulness.


Remember that the effectiveness of smudging is often subjective and rooted in belief and intention. Whether you're using a white sage and red sandalwood smudge stick or any other variation, it's important to approach the practice with reverence and mindfulness.

White Sage with Red Sandalwood 7"

  • Usually Ships in 24 to 72 hours

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