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The "J" PORTAL is a lightweight and completely portable version of the Original Portal.


Excellent Sounding! Excellent Results! 10 Watts!


Superior to the discontinued Compact Portal.


What does this device do?

This device is for use with a spirit box, shack hack or smartphone app. It cleans up, enhances and encourages spirit communication (EVP). It helps to eliminate the noise associated with the sweeping radio signal of spirit boxes (that choppy static and white noise we all love) and enhances them with a gentle reverb effect. It also amplifies the signal and makes EVP sessions much louder so all can hear!


​Use with Your Spirit Box, Shack Hack or APP!

  • Powerful 10 watt Amplifier (runs on 6 x "AA" batteries, included)
  • Noise Reducer Unit
  • Reverb Unit
  • Both Pedals run on a 6 "AA" battery pack
  • All required Cables including cable to connect to the Headphone jack of your device.
  • Copper "antenna" coil
  • Handle


Uses 12 x "AA" Batteries. (batteries are not included) or a rechargeable battery pack


  • totally portable unit. Simply attach your spirit box, shack hack or smartphone app with the Included Cable. As with all spirit Portals, the use of a sweeping radio (like a P-SB7, SBox, Ghose Voice, etc), shack hack, or smartphone app is required to run the "J" Portal.


Recommended Apps

Your input source can be a spirit box like the P-SB7, modified radio etc or it can be an app from your phone or other source.

These apps are recommended by Steve Huff:



PLEASE NOTE: Product color, design, parts, and configuration may vary depending on available components.  All specs will remain the same, however and quality is assured.


The "J" Portal


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